You already have a certified quality system. But, now you need an expert to keep it certification ready and continually improving. We have the people to meet this need at (Quality).
Quality will ensure continual improvement and keep your system certification ready. No longer will you have the certification audit preparation 'spikes' that drain your resources. Quality will design and implement a support plan that will even out the workload and guarantee certification success.
Whether using your framework or Quality's, your processes or Quality's, your certifier or Quality's recommended provider, Quality will give you peace of mind and make certification easy.
Quality is the virtual Quality Manager / Coordinator for 60 plus clients. We can be yours as well. Easy to budget, fixed fee expertise to keep your business certification ready. Included in all support programs is the review of your current certification provider's performance and fees. In many cases the savings Quality can secure for your business will pay for our services.
A very large contract management and professional engineering services business contacted Quality to help with their transition to the 2015/2016 standards. The fully integrated management system needed significant tweaking but most importantly, needed to have the relevant retained documented information generated for their certification provider to determine effectiveness of implementation during their full recertification review audit across three states.
A vey successful result was achieved within 8 weeks with Quality now retained on a support program to keep them certification ready while simplifying processes and ensuring continual improvement.